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Ethics and Transparency

The Code of Ethics and Conduct expresses the Group’s commitment to operate not only in accordance with the laws and regulations currently in force but also with certain principles and rules of conduct of an ethical nature.


The application of the following principles is guaranteed by the existence of procedures within the Group aimed at ensuring that its employees, internal bodies and third parties acting on its behalf, operate effectively in accordance with ethical principles.


This version of the Code has been approved by the Board of Directors of Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., in 2021. This constitutes an official Group document and as such is binding upon all the bodies, employees, consultants, collaborators, agents and, at a more general level all third parties acting on behalf of the Group.


In order to uphold the high legal and moral standards of the Group, Chiesi also adopted an Anti-Bribery Policy in 2015. The purpose of this policy is to provide anyone acting on behalf of or in the interests of Chiesi with a series of general principles on how to recognise and deal with situations involving corruption and how to comply with related regulations.


Code of Conduct

Chiesi Anti-bribery Policy




As a member of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) and ARPharM (The Association of the Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturer in Bulgaria) we are fostering the transparency on the interaction between the pharmaceutical industry and health care professionals & organisations according EFPIA, as well as all national legal regulations, as we are convinced to be independent partners with the same goal: cooperation and exchange of knowledge, as well as research and development without tortious interference or influence.


Disclosure DATA:


Donations and grants to HCO, HCP’s organisations and associations, organisations providing healthcare;

Costs related to Events: registration fees, sponsorship agreements, travel and accommodation;

Fees for Service and Consultancy to HCPs and HCOs: fees and related expenses must be disclosed separately. This is only applicable, when the HCPs or HCOs have provided their consent on the individual disclosure, otherwise the data needs to be published in the aggregated disclosure data



R&D costs: including costs for related events (investigators’ meetings, etc);

Transfers of value which cannot be disclosed on an individual basis for legal reasons


Disclosure DATA  - 1st of January 2015 - 31 December 2015

Disclosure DATA  - 1st of January 2016 - 31 December 2016

Disclosure DATA  - 1st of January 2017 - 31 December 2017 , Methodology 2017

Disclosure DATA  - 1st of January 2018 - 31 December 2018 , Methodology 2018

Disclosure DATA  - 1st of January 2019 - 31 December 2019 , Methodology 2019

Disclosure DATA – 1st of January 2020 – 31 December 2020 , Methodology 2020

Disclosure DATA – 1st of January 2021 – 31 December 2021 , Methodolgy 2021

Disclosure DATA – 1st of January 2022 – 31 December 2022Methodolоgy 2022

Disclosure DATA – 1st of January 2023 – 31 December 2023, Methodology 2023


Disclaimer: Publication of transfers of value to Recipients aims at reporting the values (monetary or in-kind) to HCPs/HCOs our company is collaborating / has relationships with, following the objectives and provisions included in the applicable codes.  Individual disclosures have been consented to by individual Recipients – such consent has been given to allow complying with the applicable codes that our company signed off to. These publications do not grant a general permission for those accessing our website or the national platforms to undertake additional processing of the healthcare professionals’ data.

For a good understanding of the reporting included in our disclosures as published on this website, we refer to the Methodological Note that clarifies the meaning and content of the transfers of value reported.

For more questions on the EFPIA code or concerning a disclaimer or revocation of your consent to the individual disclosure, do not hesitate to contact us on the EFPIA code or concerning a disclaimer or revocation of your consent to the individual disclosure, do not hesitate to contact us.



List of Patient Organizations supported by Chiesi Bulgaria

in 2015:

Association “Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria”

Partial support of the Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria (OTPB) in conducting activities on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Thalassemia - May 8, 2015 – 6000 BG;

Partial support of OTPB in holding the General Meeting of the OTPB Association – 3000 BGN;

Partial support of the implementation of the campaign for blood donation on 26.06.2015 in favour of patients with Thalassemia Major – 3000 BGN;

Partial support of the implementation of the First National Tour for 2015 / a series of meetings according to plan programme / of OTPB with physicians, patients and parents about problems with chelation therapy for patients with Thalassemia Major – 2500 BGN;


Partial support of OTPB in conducting motivational training / education for patients with Thalassemia and their partners with reproductive complications 24-25.10.2015, Veliko Tarnovo 7000 BGN;


Partial support of OTPB in holding a meeting of the coordinators and the Management Board of OTPB in order to make preparation for Bulgaria’s application to host the TIF (Thalassemia International

Federation) International Conference on Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopathies for healthcare professionals and patients / parents  in 2017 - 30.10. - 01/11/2015 – 3000 BGN;


Partial support of OTPB for issuing printed materials with the logo of OTPB - 23.11.2015 – 2000 BGN.


”Association of Bulgarians with Bronchial Asthma”

Support of the implementation of a training campaign - "Empowerment through knowledge of patients with Bronchial Asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)" 01/07/2015 – 5000 BGN


in 2016:

Association “Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria”

Partial support of OTPB in organisation of regional meetings of OTPB in November and December 2016 with healthcare professionals, patients and parents for communication of problems in continuation of chelation therapy – 3000 BGN


in 2017:

Association “Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria”

Support of the Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria (OTPB) in conducting activities for 2017 - 06.06.2017 – 5000,00 BGN; 05.07.2017 – 5000,00 BGN

- Participation in International Patients Symposium 17-18 June 2017 – Thessaloniki, Greece;

- Activities of General Meeting of the OTPB Association 23-27 September 2017 - Sofia

Partial support of OTPB for issuing printed materials for Thalassemia patients, medical specialists and medical centers- 08.12.2017 – 2000 BGN.


in 2018:

Association “Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria” 

Support of the Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria (OTPB) in conducting activities for 2018 - 16.06.2018 – 7000,00 BGN:

- educational project with informational-training programs of OTPB for Patients, Parents and Medical specialists;

- Activities of General Meeting of the OTPB Association;

- Motivational training for parents and little patients

Partial support of OTPB for issuing printed materials for Thalassemia patients, medical specialists and medical centers, and promotional companies for blood donation in 5 cities - 06.12.2018– 2000 BGN.


in 2019:

Association “Federation Bulgarian Patient Forum”

Partial financial support of AFBPF in organization and conducting of VII National Forum of Federation Bulgarian Patient Forum 14-16 June 2019, Bansko  - 5000.00 BGN


Foundation “Our premature babies”

Financial support of „Evening of miracles” as a part of World day of premature babies – 14.11.2019, Sofia – 3000.00 BGN 


Association of Bulgarian patients with Asthma

Support for organization of press conference on 11.12.2019 as a part of global initiative „All together to end COPD“ – organized by ABPA in partnership with Bulgarian Society of Lung Diseases – 3000.00 BGN    


Association “Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria” 

Support of the Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria (OTPB) in conducting activities for 2019 – 7000,00 BGN



in 2020

Association “Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria”

Support of the Organization of Thalassemia Patients in Bulgaria (OTPB) in conducting activities for 2020 – 7000,00 BGN

- Following  situation with COVID-19 epidemic - Organizing of meetings between members of OTPB and Managers of regional  medical centers where Thalassemia Major patients are treated

- Medical consultations, examinations, medicines/food supplements and disinfectants for patients in bad health condition and with a poor financial status

Logistic support for patients in their communication with regional health insurance fund for periodical updates of protocols for medical therapy


in 2021:

Foundation “National Fund St. Nicola”
Partial support for the purchase of a pressure chamber for the needs of the Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities "Zornitsa", Vratsa for treatment with soft hyperbaric oxygen therapy for children with disabilities - BGN 4000

Foundation “Our Premature Babies”
Financial support of the project - National program for premature children, implemented by the Center for Child Development "Little Miracles" - BGN 10000

Association "Organization of Thalassemic patients in Bulgaria"
Partial financial support for the initiatives of the OTB Association - holding a general election meeting, medical consultations, research, purchase of disinfectants for patients in difficulty, administrative, legal and accounting costs of the association – BGN 7000.

“Cystic Fibrosis Association”
Financial support for the purchase of medical devices – nebulizers for the use of medicinal products for therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis – BGN 10000.



Foundation “Our Premature Babies”

Financial support for the implementation of an information campaign in connection with the World Day of Premature Children - November 17. The information campaign concerns the problems of these children and their families, the need for timely and long-term follow-up of premature children in Bulgaria- BGN 10 000.

“Cystic Fibrosis Association”

Financial support for the purchase of medical devices – nebulizers for the use of medicinal products for therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis – BGN 20 000.



Foundation “Our Premature Babies”
Financial support for the implementation of an information campaign in connection with the World Day of Premature Children - November 17. Partial financial support for an information campaign related to the problems of premature children – 11 000 BGN

Association "Organization of thalassemic patients in Bulgaria"
Support of an in vitro program related to research and preparation of patient-parents for assisted reproduction. Partial sponsorship of regional meetings planned by the Association 4 900 BGN.

Association "Bulgarian Alliance for Blood Donation"
Partial financial support for expenses related to organized blood donation campaigns -1 470 BGN.

Foundation “Benign Hematology”
Partial financial support for the implementation of a screening program for patients with beta-thalassemia – 4 000 BGN.